Best Time of Day to Send Email

You send emails with high hopes that include getting a lot of opens and that those who open your emails will take action and click through to bring traffic to your website and ultimately increase your customer conversion.

The time that you send your emails can affect your open rate.

It is true that the best time to send emails depends on a number of things, but the number of things when narrowed down can still tell you the best time and here is what has been determined.

You must first know that this information can only help if and when you first know who your subscribers/email recipients are. This is to help you to have an idea of how your emails can make their way into the daily routines of those who receive them.

There are four (4) time slots that you should try to use in order to guarantee a good open rate for your emails. They are:
The time they wake up
The time heading back home from work
The time slot just before and after lunch
The time they check emails just before they start working

The consensus is that a good time to get your audience's attention is during the typical hours of work (9 am to 5 pm)  but right after lunch or 1 pm is ultimately the best time to open emails.

However, if an email is sent at midnight, it is likely to have a high open-rate. It will be the first thing that they see when they wake up - roll over and check their phones.

But, you will be running the risk of annoying subscribers if you do this all the time.

You should also consider recipients of different time zones than you - there are email service providers who have made provisions for this in their services.

Paying attention to your email analytics can help you to determine the best time to send your marketing emails - based on the open rate.

As for the best days to send emails.

Be advised that Mondays and the weekends are not the best days to send marketing emails. Nobody needs to panic about receiving extra work during the weekend and Mondays are for getting over too short weekends.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the prefered days to receive emails. Thursdays have proven to be the most favoured days especially for promoting weekend sales and events.

There is no guarantee that this will absolutely work for you, so use this information to guide you as you make your tests to find out the best time to send your marketing emails.

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