Email Call to Action

Email call to actions is the pieces of your content that require your audience to do what you want. The requirement or expectation varies as there's a variety of things that they can do, and it all depends on the goal of your content.

The following are some of the popular actions that audiences are called to make or do.

Get Started - This comes at the end of emails and promotes and bolsters the content's intention. It could be to sign-up for a free trial or preparation to make a purchase or do something.
e.g. try it for free, register now

Learn More - For content that has more information than you want to share in your email. This call to action is a great way to avoid overwhelming readers with too much information. Use it to drive traffic back to your website and have your audience reach out to you quickly and directly.
e.g. tell me more / read more / send me more information buttons

Join Us - At the end of invitation emails, this encourages readers/subscribers to become a part of a community or movement. They can physically participate in or attend an event.
e.g. reserve your spot, register now

Try for free - When introducing new products and services to the market, these actions offer free trials, demos, samples, exclusive and limited access. But to ensure that customers/audiences come back, what they get is limited and to have the full experience, they'll have to make a purchase or subscribe and pay a recurring membership fee.

Subscribe/ Sign up - Are invitations used to secure memberships and subscriptions. This call to action is a sure way to grow your customer base and audience.

The best call to actions is attractive and thoughtfully placed links or buttons written using precise, actionable words that prompt readers to click.

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