Email Open Rates Are Useless

If you are faint of heart or easily disappointed, you should disregard statistics about your open email rate.

Email analytics tend to misrepresent the statistics in the most disappointing ways that will have you believe that you are underperforming with your email marketing.

One important thing to remember is that we live in an age where everyone is on the go and that we try to everything while we are on the move. To this point, keep in mind that emails read in the preview panel aren't classified as open, and some email clients and mobile devices do not register when we open emails.

To accurately measure the effectiveness of your email marketing, pay attention to the time visitors spend on your website and the number of click-throughs your emails generate.

Also, pay attention to how many times your emails are shared or forwarded, how many requests for more information you receive in response to your emails and your website, as well as how many social media shares, inquiries and phone calls you get.

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