From Subscriber To Buyer - The Process

This simple three-step process is an effective way of increasing your sales if used properly.

Step 1 - Create Awareness - 

Your email marketing channel is the tool that you use to ensure that your subscribers get to know about your brand and what you have to offer. With this step, you introduce yourself (brand), the business that you do and begin to establish your relationship with your subscribers. 

Consistently send timely, attractive and useful emails to share information that keeps your subscribers in the know.

Step 2 - Consideration -

Subscribers are not likely to immediately hand over their money to you, so this is where they will compare your business and offers to others similar to yours. 

Your job here is to make sure that you also compare your business to others so that you can provide the better if not the best option. You cannot kid yourself and believe that you are absolutely one-of-a-kind and that your customers will always go to you first. It doesn't hurt to let them know that you've made the comparisons yourself and you know that they have options, use this step to convince them to choose you.

Armed with this information, both you and your subscribers are ready for step three.

Step 3 - Converting to Buyers - 

Subscribers will become buyers because of the information you share in your emails. Provided that you have covered all of your bases in the first two steps, then your subscribers will become customers. 

You have the power to keep subscribers/buyers coming back for more when you maintain an active email marketing channel.

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