How To Deal With Unsubscribes

An unsubscribe can sometimes feel like a slap in the face. It feels even worse when it's from someone who sends an additional message to let you know that they no longer want to be a part of your email list.
Talk about rubbing it in.

But even after you've created and sent a well-put-together email design with a compelling subject line, someone still unsubscribes.

It is healthy to have an unsubscribe rate and if you have an unsubscribe rate that is between 0.2-0.5%, then that's very good. Anything above that means that you have work to do.

The main reasons you lose subscribers ranges from cases of irrelevant emails, overloaded inboxes, loss of interest in the brand and no recollection of signing up.

You can manage and minimize your email unsubscribe rate by:

Monitoring the number of emails you send.
An email every day about the same thing is sure to trigger opt-out/unsubscribes. Stick to a consistent email schedule.

Segmenting your email list.
Categorizing your email list helps you to create and send personalized emails made with the preferences of the subscriber. The more exclusive an email seems, is the more unique your subscriber feels, and they are more likely to stick around.

Sending good emails.
Pay attention to your subject line and your email copy. The body of your email should match your subject line, and your subject line should be interesting.
If your template includes preview text, ensure that it is a good overview of the entire email.
Be sure to include appealing visual elements to complete your copy and captivate your audience. 
Don't forget to use a responsive template - one that displays your emails optimally on all screens.

Pay attention to feedback and fix or change what isn't working.
It pays to have a feedback option with your opt-out feature.
NOTE: You must have an opt-out or unsubscribe option.
By collecting feedback, you get to know what your subscribers are looking for and how you can improve your business.

Your unsubscribe feature doesn't have to be a hard exit. Use it to promote your business one last time, just before they go. Give your subscribers/unsubscribers options.

Your options can include and do not have to be limited to

Other means of keeping in contact, like links to your social media.

Other email options - to receive emails only about specific content, specific dates and times they want to receive your emails.

Trial separation - allow them to choose to take some time rather than cutting all ties immediately and then send a reminder to see if they wan to come back.

Use humour - you don't want to see them go, but helping them to smile on their way out can change their mind. Try to use fun that compliments your brand.

Just say, thank you. There are many ways to say it, and they are well received. Like, "I'm/We're sad to see you go, but for the time you have been with us, I/we just want to say thank you!"

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