If you don't do email marketing - that's a red flag.

Have you ever found yourself waiting to receive an important phone call or just going about your business and you receive a phone call from some marketing company? As soon as you say hello, on comes a recording of some promotion that you have absolutely no interest in. These calls have the absolute worst timing.

Well, email marketing was created so that you would never have to use that method of marketing. Besides, phone calls are quickly becoming outdated because people want to talk less, especially to people they don’t know. 

Businesses that use the audio recorded telephone promotions lost customers and business because of the aggravation they’ve caused. 

But they’ve fixed this by switching to email marketing because it is a very powerful technique. 

You too need to recognize that email marketing shows that your business gets with the times and isn’t operating from under a rock. To prove that you know this,  start using email marketing.

Here’s how and why you should be using it too:

It is convenient, instant and consumers prefer it. 
Email marketing gives you a lot of wiggle room; you can choose different templates, there’s no limit to what you can do or say with it and you can basically send it and forget it. 
For your subscribers, they can open your email at any time, anywhere and on whatever device they choose to.

It’s affordable.
You don’t have to break the bank to use email marketing. You can use email marketing service providers to do the bulk of the work for you. For one price, you can get a lot done.

Their service includes putting together an attractive display for your message based on your choice of template and what you want to say; sending your email to your subscribers either when you want it or by their recommendation of the best time to send it; and in most cases, they provide detailed analytics of what happens when you send your emails.

You can reach a lot of customers.
About 190 billion emails are sent daily and 110 billion of them are business emails. The better your content is, the more people will read it and share it. The more people read and share it, the more customers you gain and retain. The more customers you gain and retain, the more money you make.

It is the easiest way to analyze your progress.
Use it to know just how well you are communicating with your clients/customers, because email marketing allows you to track your conversions, subscribers, how many times emails are opened and how much of your content is being clicked on or through. This helps you to know what consumers are looking for and how you can improve your business.

Use it to drive traffic back to your website
Email marketing is great for bringing attention back to your website and establishing your business’ online presence, especially since you can’t share everything in an email. Use your emails to create link backs to your website where consumers can explore and likely find things they did not know you offer (products/services).

Start a conversation and promote some more.
Don’t just use your emails to force information that only sells your products and business to your subscribers. Use your emails to also offer advice and get feedback. If you are a retailer but that’s not all that you do, share the other thing(s) that you do as a “Did you know” feature or as a reminder from time to time.

Enforce your other marketing tools and products.
You can use email marketing to bring attention to whatever else you are doing marketing-wise.
For example, you can use it to draw attention to your social media where you are trying to grow your social media subscribers or followers. Or to let subscribers know that you have a sale or contest going on. 

Make them your calls to action. 
Use your emails to promote everything that you have and are doing and let your subscribers know what to do about it. 

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