Keep Customers Coming Back

Your best customers are the ones who keep coming back. A business doesn't grow by only acquiring new customers. Its growth is highly dependent on customer retention.

'It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than it takes to retain current customers.' 

The e-commerce industry is always growing, but the problem is, businesses have been focused solely on generating visitors instead of largely converting visitors to buyers.

Yes, not all visitors will be buyers, but there are some simple yet effective things that you should do to convert potential customers not just into customers, but buying customers who keep coming back. Such as:

Know your audience and stop targeting the wrong people. When you share information with customers, whether via email marketing, social media campaigns or public advertisements, do not share irrelevant information. For email marketing, personalized emails are the perfect way to ensure that you are giving customers a reason to come back because of the information that you sent to them.

Give them reasons to come back. Your brand reputation is significant here. The more you are known for offering the best quality products and services, the more customers will share their experiences with you and bring new/more customers to you.

Make customers feel like the most important people in your life, all the time. As often as always, check for satisfaction with new and regular customers. Let them know that you are always seeking ways to keep them satisfied so that they will always choose to do business with you.

Reward Current and New Customers by creating loyalty rewards programs for current customers and entice new customers with rewards for their first purchase. The options here are limitless, but the most important thing to remember is to make these incentives relevant. 

You can always use this to get the attention of customers on new things that they do not usually purchase or items new on the market, but try not to be forceful and scare them away. Who knows, maybe, later on, they just might need that thing you offered or introduced them to. But now they know just where to go to get it and can tell others about it.
Incentives are a sure way to keep customers coming back.

Make the buying/paying process easy. Nobody has time for complications, especially when they have to pay for something. Ensure that your buying process is simple; that includes shopping (adding items to carts, checking out) and paying for as well as making changes or returns and cancellations.

If this is hard to do all the time or too often, then you can be sure that everyone will hear about it and you won't have any customers coming or going. 

Overall, the growth of your business is determined by the profits that you make. And one way to ensure that you consistently make a profit, as well as returns on your investments, is to keep your customers back.

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