Personalizing Emails

74% of marketers say that personalized emails increase customer engagement and personalized experiences can produce 20% sale increases on average.

Personalization involves creating email content for specific subscribers by using data collected from them.

Personalized emails can be as simple as including the subscriber's name in the subject line.

Emails with personalized subjects lines have provided a 25% increase in recent email open rates.

Remember that increased open and click-through rates provide the best impact on your returns and growth.
Emails with generic content are irrelevant to subscribers. Subscribers pay attention to and interact more with emails that target them directly.

Personalized emails are relevant, timely and not robotic. But sending the best personalized emails is no easy feat.

Here are some effective steps that you should take in your initial set up of sending personalized emails.

Be sure to ask permission before you begin to collect data. According to the General Data Protection Regulation, you are obligated to notify individuals of your intentions to send information to them as you collect data.

Make use of behavioural automation software. These do the bulk of the work for you when generating relevant content - content that reflects the behaviour and interest of your subscribers.

Segment your email list by dividing your subscribers into groups that share commonalities such as location, preferences, age and gender among others.

Personalize subject lines. An easy way of doing this is by including the subscriber's name in the subject line.

Give power/choices to subscribers. By allowing them to select what they want to see and have shared with them, you build trust with your audience and this creates opportunities to collect more data and send more personalized emails in the future.

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