Why Your smartphone is the best tool for Email Marketing.

Are you reading this on your smartphone, mobile device or desktop right now? If you are using a desktop, what are the chances that your smartphone is right next to you?

Whether you want to admit it or not, we are always on our phone and hardly go anywhere without them. When we wake up, the first thing that most of us do after rolling over is to reach for our phones to check our notifications. Face it; these notifications are what we use to measure just how right things are in the world and predict how good the day ahead will be.

Your own smartphone is very profitable for your email marketing. It helps you to keep track of your progress easily, wherever you go. 

With your smartphone, you can respond to leads that come in response to your marketing emails. In most instances, as soon as a lead is received, you are notified with an email. 

Emails are a sure way of ensuring that important information is delivered. Since emails can be sent and received at any time, as long as internet connectivity is available, your smartphone is the best tool to help you to keep a track of them.

Email marketing isn't limited to only the emails that you send to your subscribers or customers when you sell, promote and inform. It also includes the general communication of your brand. It includes social media notifications, communication between you and your suppliers, the financial entities/services you use, shipping and delivery companies as well as all your other service providers.

So your email marketing success depends a lot on your use of a smartphone. Why?

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