Your emails better be mobile friendly.

For one simple reason that covers all the other reasons your emails should be mobile friendly - if a person can’t use one hand to read through or scroll through your email, it’s going to be deleted. 

We live in the mobile era which means more devices, more screens and everything is moving really fast. When most of us wake up in the morning, the first thing that we do is reach for our phones to check our emails, social media etc. And people actually will open the email on one device, then finish reading it on another device.

Since more than 50% of emails are opened on a smartphone, they have to be mobile-friendly. An email that’s easy to read on a mobile device has a greater chance of the subscriber taking some kind of action.

Keep in mind that small fonts and too much content might be immediately trashed. 

Sending mobile-friendly emails is not as hard as it sounds. Follow these simple rules and you’ll be just fine.

Use single-column email templates
Mobile devices do not provide a lot of space for display so using a simple layout is best. Do not go beyond the simple template and give your subscribers a lot of work to do just to read your email.

Get to the point quickly
You could go on and on about your business and yourself but if you want to keep their attention, make it short and simple. Don’t overdo it!

Go easy on the images
Try not to use more than three images and include image descriptions in case the email fails to display your images. The alt text will indicate what should actually be there and your email won’t look like big blank spaces.

Use legible fonts
Not too fancy and big enough to read. At least 14 points. If your audience is older make it at least 17 points. Use high contrast color schemes so reading is easy on the eyes.

Don’t go overboard with subject lines
Try not to use more than 50 characters in your subject line and don’t be boring with your words. Be colorful and expressive.

Use ONE call to action 
Avoid the confusion and make it a very simple instruction. Place at the top of the page, where it won’t easily be missed and make sure that when you click on it, it works.

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