Automatic Email List Management


Managing your email list is arguably just as important as creating it. Everything with Remarketforme is designed to give you less work to do to have a successful experience.

You never had to worry about...


Unsubscribes & Complaints

We'll make sure every email has working unsubscribe links. New unsubscribe mechanisms have been added recently by large email providers such as IOS, Android, Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo and Apple mail. We also support the latest methods (such as list-unsubscribe headers) used to unsubscribe.

Every unsubscribe attempt will be a one-click method. Having proper one-click unsubscribes can lessen spam complaints. And the statistics show that 50% of email subscribers mark email as spam if they have been unable to find a good unsubscribe mechanism.


Sometimes a subscriber might mistype an email address or outright provide a fake email address. We handle bounces both temporary and permanent. These subscribers are disabled from sending and removed from all of your email segments. If bounces are not handled promptly this can negatively affect the reputation of the email you're sending.

We'll even validate email addresses as they get added to your list so you know if they can be sent to.

Double Opt-In

If required, you can switch on double opt-in so customers have to enable each email address manually. But because Remarketforme is mostly concerned with bringing back existing customers, you are not legally required to do this for people you already have a business arrangement with.

Uninterested Subscribers

List purging or scrubbing, is critical to reduce your list to just those customers who are interested in what you are selling. This increases your engagement rates and improves your email reputation. On average, email lists decline by around 22% every year anyway -- as people's interests change. So Remarketforme will automatically remove subscribers from your list segments if they have not been engaged after a certain period of time.

Better Email Reputation

All these steps add up to a better email reputation with the big providers, since it shows that you care about the quality of your email list.

And best of all, every step is done automatically by Remarketforme. No work for you!

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