Email Marketing for Local Businesses


If you think Remarketforme is just for Online businesses, think again. We work just as well for offline, local, brick & mortar stores. In fact, its even more important if you own a business like this it to be doing email marketing.

Since 75% of your profits will come from repeat business, you should be spending most of your time getting new customers back through the door.

Using the Remarketforme tool, you can easily

Easily Build a List In-Store

Use your mobile friendly tool on your smartphone to get customers to add their email address. No more paper and pencil and un-intelligible emails. Simply offer a future discount or email list benefit and hand the phone to the customer to input the info themselves. Simple and easy. Beats

Share new Inventory

As you get new inventory, simple take a photo, add a price and a sentence or two and it will get emailed to your customers. If you have a big enough list, you might just sell our your entire stock this way!

Offer Email-Only deals

Give the subscribers on your list secret deals only available to them and not to walk-in customers. This is a great incentive for customers to join your mailing list -- and a great way to move slowing inventory.

Repurpose your Instagram Feed

Finally, if you're posting great content to Instagram, we can read your feed and queue it up for sending to your subscribers. Normally your feed would be lost after a day or two anyway, so may as well use it for a great purpose, right?

Remarketforme makes it easy for local or itinerant businesses such as corner stores, food trucks, shoe stores and many other kinds of local retailers to do effective email marketing that engages customers again and again to purchase from you.

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