Automated, Customized Newsletters


Every customer is different. So why send the same thing? Our email analytics learn what your customers are interested in and tailors new content based on clicks, views and opens of past emails. Just sending you a report with clicks, opens and views is not good enough. Because if you don't know what actions to take, what's the point.

Remarketforme takes the actions for you.

Start Broadly

We start by sending new subscribers that we have no data on a random sampling of your existing content. We'll see what interests them most by collecting useful analytics.

Narrow Down

Once we have a good enough sampling, we'll start to send more content that we've noticed interaction with. If they reduce interaction with that content due to fatigue or no more interest, we'll reduce sending that category and start to experiment with others again.

Linked your website to Remarketforme?

If you added our content code to your website then you can take advantage of the main retargeting feature. If a customer is viewing content on your website, we'll send reminder emails that they should check that out again. This is similar to the reminder emails you get from major retailers of new product you looked at before. Awesome right?


We can help you setup your code so it automatically builds email segments based on what your customers are viewing on your website. Then you add subscribers into multiple newsletter segments for sending.

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